After Burner II 3D ## Description _After Burner II_ is an updated re-release of After Burner. Besides extra levels, a few new enemies, a few touches at the soundtrack and more disposable missiles, the biggest addition is the ability to slow down or speed [...]
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe ## Description This is a collection of three Golden Axe games: * Golden Axe (Arcade version) * Golden Axe II (Genesis version) * Golden Axe III (Genesis version) The games can be selected from a central hub where they [...]
Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed Bonus Edition ## Description This edition of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed includes the base game along with the Metal Sonic & Outrun DLC. Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed Bonus [...]
Virtua Fighter 5 R ## Description 17 invitations have been sent out for the fifth edition of the World Fighting Tournament. 15 fighters make a return and two new faces appear in the arena; the young girl Eileen using monkey kung fu and lucha libre [...]
Yakuza : Dead Souls (龍が如く OF THE END lit. “Like a Dragon of the End”?) is an action-adventure/survival horror video game, developed and published by Sega exclusively for the PlayStation 3. The game is the sixth installment in the Yakuza [...]
Beast Rider is the first Golden Axe game in 3D as opposed to side scrolling hack and slash. While this is a major shift in game style from the previous games, Beast Rider maintains many of the elements from the originals such as magic and riding beasts, [...]
Blazing Heroes ## Description You are Aragon, the prince of Mystaria. Long time ago, your father was one of the twelve mighty warriors who opposed Sith, the evil being that once tried to open the sacred portals of Mystaria. In the ultimate battle, your [...]
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars is a Japanese role-playing video game and a follow-up to Conception: Ore no Kodomo o Undekure!. The player control a student at a high school that doubles as a training facility for demon hunters. The protagonist [...]