Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Force ## Description Get it on with Virtual On! The home port of Sega’s arcade hit where you take control of gigantic, fully armored battle droids and duke it out against other droids in duel-like battles over a set of [...]
Daytona USA ## Description A port of the most successful arcade racer ever, the home versions of Daytona USA include the same elements that made the original version successful: three highly detailed tracks, arcade driving physics that challenge the [...]
Sega Worldwide Soccer PC ## Description Well, it’s a soccer game made by Sega but with an arcade-like style of gameplay. So the handling is kept pretty straight-forward: one button for a shot towards the enemy goal (from any position on the field), [...]
The game is set in a dystopian future in which Earth is controlled by corporate syndicates. People eager to break free of their rule colonize other planets. On one of these colonies is discovered a powerful technology used by an extinct race. One of the [...]