The context for Guilty Gear X is presented thusly in its game manual: In 2181, less than a year later after the incident with Justice, information about the discovery of a particular Gear rose to the public's attention. The report stated that the Gear was [...]
When the ice in the Siberian region melts, a worldwide catastrophe occurs and 90% of the earth is submerged under water. Lifting the major cities and providing assistance is the objective of the newly formed World Alliance, comprised of most of the [...]
Guilty Gear XX #Reload Take it online! For the firs time ever, Guilty Gear X2 #Reload lets you battle online head-to-head Xbox Live support. Over 20 combatants including hidden and EX characters are primed with an arsenal of jaw-dropping moves and combos, [...]
A year-long global war between the World Alliance and the World Order Reorganization Front has ended with planet Earth in peril. As a result of resentment and distrust, the World Alliance has begun to split and the seeds for a new global war are being [...]
An American Football game featuring fictional teams. Even though, the teams are fictional, they are based on the real NFL team cities and the division setup of that time period. Gameplay involves the usual football fare of choosing a play and attempting [...]
Guilty Gear X Plus ## Description Guilty Gear X Plus is an enhanced edition of Guilty Gear X. This “Plus” edition adds Kliff and Justice from the original Guilty Gear as playable characters, as well as a Story Mode, which has since remained as [...]