## Description _M*A*S*H_ was one of the many attempts by various software companies to take a successful movie or television show and convert it into a playable game. In this game, you play the role of “Hawkeye Pierce,” a surgeon stationed at [...]
Revenge is sweet – and the objective of this game is to “get it.” Your task is to help Pee Wee blow up Porky’s bar and obtain as many points as possible.
You are Hawkeye Pierce, Chief Medical Surgeon of the 4077th MASH. Your responsibilities include rescuing injured men from the battlefield, performing surgery in the operating room, or, in an alternative game, picking up Colonel Potter’s skydiving [...]
Ant Eater ## Description _Ant Eater_ is a 2D arcade game (completely different from the arcade game with a similar title). The player controls an ant, who must steal picnic food from the surface (and can dig long tunnels). The ant must avoid anteaters, it [...]