On The Path – is a game based on ancient russian fairy tales and taoism of Lao Tzu , it takes place in a world where women and men with magic talents, which represent Yin and Yang, fight against each other. Some madness mix. And, yes, you play as [...]
Do you like stickmans? These courageous little men with whom you can do everything, or almost. In this game, the stickman is going to be the victim of your quest for points.
You – a writer, tired of living in a big city and all the fuss, which wants to get rid of anxiety, find inner peace and return to this in a long-forgotten home. Locked in his own mind, he becomes the protagonist of his new work, which, according to [...]
On The Path – is a game based on ancient russian fairy tales and taoism of Lao Tzu , it takes place in a world where women and men with magic talents, which represent Yin and Yang, fight against each other. Some madness mix. And, yes, you play as …