Street Cat ## Description Sports game featuring you, the cat with various stages. Your task is to pass various obstacle courses, each more difficult than the last. Events include: * The City Park * Inner City Interlude * The Underground Sewer * The [...]
Garrison II: The Legend Continues ## Description Like its predecessor, the game is an arcade beat’em up mixed with some adventure elements. The formula and the game mechanics have not changed, Garrison II mainly provides a set of (over 100) new [...]
StarTrash ## Description In StarTrash , the player controls a ball which needs to climb big mountains which are shown in an isometric perspective. The goal is to collect objects which were misplaced in the levels. Jumping in a hole or touching one of the [...]
Spherical ## Description Solomon’s Key is a clear conceptual influence for this action puzzler. Our hero must guide a ball through a level to the spot marked ‘In’, by creating and removing blocks to alter its path. The game is prevented [...]
Sarcophaser ## Description This horizontally-scrolling shoot ’em up puts you in control of a Sarcophaser souped-up spaceship. Waves of enemies must be faced, including arrays of dots through which a path must be obtained. Most vanquished foes [...]
Graffiti Man ## Description You are a graffiti artist who must get through four locations while avoiding all kinds of people that are constantly shooting projectiles or objects at you. These people include old men, police officers, skaters, and women that [...]
To be on Top ## Description To be on Top is a music themed action game where the player’s aim is to create a song that reaches the top ten of the charts. The game starts out on a street where the player has direct control over a character from a [...]