Khalaan ## Description _Khalaan_ is a strategy game of empire building set in the ancient Arabic world. Turn based, it requires you to establish trade, raise armies, and manage your economy to build a strong empire. You can expand your empire through [...]
Realm of the Trolls ## Description The trolls are posing a threat to humanity, and it’s your job to sort them out in this traditional-style platform game, which features over 200 screens. You have a gun and bolts of energy available to protect you. [...]
Mystery of the Mummy ## Description _Mystery of the Mummy_ is set in the Hamburg of 1912 and the player takes the role of a detective. Along with his companion Wilhelm he has to solve the case which evolves around a mummy and its alleged curse. After one [...]
Day of the Pharaoh ## Description _Nil Dieu Vivant_ (also known as _Day of the Pharaoh_ ) is an action-oriented strategy game set in ancient Egypt. You start as descendant of the Pharaoh who was exiled from his kingdom. Your mission is to return to Cairo [...]
The Baby of Can Guru ## Description The Baby of Can Guru is a Trial&Error-style game, in which the player controls a kangaroo that has to jump its way through screen after screen, avoiding obstacles and enemies that become increasingly difficult. [...]
Garrison ## Description _Garrison_ is a top-down action game very similar to Gauntlet. Up to five characters fight their way through over 100 dungeon levels taking on hordes of enemies, collecting potions, gold, scrolls, keys and magic items along the [...]
Grand Monster Slam ## Description Every five years the various races inhabiting the fantasy world of GHoLD meet for the Grand Monster Slam tournament to discover which is supreme. You must win a total of 9 matches to prove yourself, with two sub-games to [...]
Masterblazer ## Description _Masterblazer_ is both a remake of and a follow-up to the Lucasfilm Games game Ballblazer. Ballblazer is a futuristic sport played in vehicles called “Rotofoils”. The play field is a large rectangle made out of [...]