## Description _TV Scoreboard: 2 &4 Player Plus Target_ is a dedicated console containing multiple Pong variants. The games included are: Tennis, Hockey, Target and Squash. Squash can be played with one or two players, Tennis and Hockey can be played [...]
## Description _TV Scoreboard_ is a dedicated console playing four Pong variants: Squash (Sometimes named Handball), Tennis, Hockey and Practice. The game was released in various versions with slight differences: The controllers of the initial release [...]
## Description _TV Scoreboard_ is a dedicated console with Pong variants and target shooting games. The games included are: Tennis, Hockey, Squash, Practice, Target and Skeet. Up to two players control the game using paddles and a light-gun in the case of [...]
## Description _Full Color TV Scoreboard_ is dedicated console featuring various Pong variants. The games included are Hockey, Tennis and Handball. Each game can be played with one or two players. As the title suggests the game is in color. Each [...]
The Awesome Adventures of Victor Vector & Yondo: The Vampire’s Coffin ## Description One of a series of fully interactive comic book adventures for kids where you play as the heroic Victor Vector and his digital Saint-Bernard dog Yondo. They [...]
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Volume II ## Description “What they said about Sherlock I, you’ll say about Sherlock II”…reads the advert in the box, based on the nice critics about Volume I. – The same video technology [...]