The story of Detroit starts with an unexplained incident that begins to affect the Androids. Some disappear without any explanation, others have unexpected behaviors and strangely show signs of emotions. The rumors of “deviant” androids start spreading, [...]
Experience the most striking moments throughout 15 years of Jodie’s life as she grows from a confused child into a crack CIA agent, and discovers who she really is. As she traverses the globe, Jodie will face incredible challenges set against a backdrop [...]
Guilt is a Chilling Feeling… Originally released in 2005, Fahrenheit (known as Indigo Prophecy in North America) was a breakthrough in interactive narrative, teetering between the worlds of cinema and gaming while also embracing them, carving its [...]
The game focuses on four different characters; Ethan Mars, a father and main protagonist; Scott Shelby, a private eye; Norman Jayden, an FBI agent and finally Madison Paige, a photojournalist. They are very different characters and do not know each other [...]