Hometown U.S.A. ## Description This “edutainment” product enables the user to create real 3D models of any structure (homes, office buildings, movie theaters, shops, schools, missions, etc.). Models may be created from scratch or edited from [...]
Pharaoh’s Revenge ## Description Pharaoh’s Revenge is a fast action computer game in the arcade tradition. Using the keyboard or joystick the player must attempt to evade an opponent (computer or human) while solving a complex maze that, when [...]
Ishido is a solitaire board game played with tiles, similar to Shanghai. The objective is to place all of the tiles onto the board and obtain the highest possible score by following specific rules of play. There are ways to play that can dramatically [...]
Ishido: The Way of Stones is a puzzle video game released in 1990 by Accolade and developed by Publishing International. It was designed by Michael Feinberg and programmed by Ian Gilman and Michael Sandige. Producer was Brad Fregger, and Brodie Lockard [...]