Ninja Warrior ## Description Ninja Warrior is a basic side scrolling jump and shoot game, similar in concept to Moon Patrol. The difference, of course, being that you are a Ninja, and you are crushing rocks, spearing fireballs, deflecting arrows, etc. The [...]
Pac Droids ## Description A Pac-Man game with a sci-fi twist, Pac Droids has you piloting a space ship in a maze patrolled by flying saucers. As in the real Pac-Man, you gobble up dots while avoiding the saucers, clearing the level by eating all dots. [...]
Tower of Fear ## Description Tower of Fear is a text adventure by Charles Forsythe. The goal is to enter the Wizard’s Tower of Fear, get the treasures, and escape alive. The Wizards who dwell in Graylock, powerful necromancers, caused terror in the [...]