## Description Simple _Tetris_ clone that basically copies the setup of all the levels presents in the arcade version. The game is divided into separate stages (the action isn’t continuous, like in the computer versions – each level starts [...]
## Description _Objetivo Espa ña_ is an auto-executable expansion of the real time strategy game Sombras de Guerra: La Guerra Civil Española. This follow-up comes with 8 new missions (including the bombing of Barcelona, the defense of Bilbao, the battle [...]
## Description _Sombras de Guerra: La Guerra Civil Espa ñola_ is a real-time strategy game based in the military conflict of the past century known as the Spanish Civil War. It presents the two main factions of this event, the Nationals and the [...]
## Description _Pinwall_ is a Breakout variant where all the bricks in an area need to be removed by bouncing a ball against them using a paddle placed at the bottom of the screen. Some of the bricks, like in Arkanoid and similar games, release bonuses [...]
## Description _Controcampo 2006: il videogioco_ is a game that puts the player in the shoes of a football coach of one of the teams in the Italian league in 2006. It is linked to the Italian TV program _Controcampo 2006_. This weekly program communicated [...]
## Description Comecocos can be defined, basically, as Pac-Man with new mazes. In this way, the game retains intact the original concept of the Namco’s classic game, with the only addition of new mazes of crescent shapes. The game doesn’t let [...]
## Description _Cinegramas_ is a thematic crossword game pretty similar to Crucigramas Classic, another game created at the same year by Sherwood Media. In this case, the game offers 200 crossword puzzles of five different sizes (6×6, 8×8, [...]
## Description PC Futbol is a football (called soccer in USA) managerial game that let you pick your favourite team and take it to the top, if you’re good enough! You can sign up your favourite players, train the team, expand your stadium, choose [...]