## Description _Jotto_ is a word guessing game similar to _Mastermind_. The player must guess a five letter word. The player can type in a word each turn after which the computer will well the number of correct letters in the correct location (jots). The [...]
## Description _Hurkle_ is a simple game in which the player must find the location of a hidden Hurkle on a ten by ten grid. The player must select grid points and the game will tell in which general direction the Hurkle is located (north, east, [...]
## Description _Gomoko_ is an adaptation of the board game _Gomoku_. The player and computer take turns to place markers on a grid. The goal is to get five in a row. This implementation allows board sizes from 7×7 to the traditional 19×19 to [...]
## Description _Exagon_ is a strategy game for one or two players. When playing alone the computer takes the role of the second player. Players are presented with a hexagonal board with 61 fields. Some fields are dots and some have letters in them. Each [...]
## Description _Diddle_ is a puzzle game for the Altair 8800. It doesn’t use a monitor and is played entirely on the address lights on the computer. A moving light pattern is visible on the LEDs and it’s up to the player to find out the [...]
## Description _Caves2_ is identical to Lost in the Caves with the exception that before starting to escape the player can create a custom cave and have another player try to escape.
## Description _Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?_ is a guessing game in which seven people sit in a circle with the player in the middle. The player must find out who has the button. After each guess the guessed person tells the player if he [...]