Guardians of Infinity: To Save Kennedy ## Description In 2087, a physicist, inventor of a time travel machine, assembles a group of Guardians to travel back in time and thwart the assassination of President Kennedy. Try to convince everyone that his life [...]
Latverian president Dr. Doom is a terrible enemy, so when he hatches a plan to blow up New York City with a stolen Atomic bomb, one Marvel superhero is not enough to stop him. As the lavishly-drawn comic bundled with the game explains, Spider-Man and [...]
Time Lords. An immortal race of beings responsible for protecting the temporal balance of the universe from chaos and destruction. Alien Fires uses every ounce of the Amiga’s power to create a state-of-the-art visual and aural sensation, with [...]
Shadow Warrior of Death. Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime. Prepare yourself for the most awesome and dangerous challenge ever. Enter the mystic land of Japan as it was centuries ago. Assume the identify of a proud Ninja warrior and ready yourself to [...]
Wizard Wars ## Description Temeres the Wizard is entrusted with the quest to reunite the White Unicorn with the Black Unicorn, and restore the cosmic balance by ultimately defeating the evil wizard Aldorin in a magical combat. He must search the three [...]
Spider-Man and Captain America in Doctor Doom’s Revenge The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Doctor Doom’s Revenge! is an Action game, developed by Paragon Software and published by MicroProse, which was released in 1989.
Twilight’s Ransom All you wanted was a big Saturday night out with your girl friend Maria Chavez. Dinner, a movie, drinks and afterwards . . . who knows? What you got was a ransacked apartment, a kidnapped girl friend and an anonymous phone call [...]
This game take place in the rockwell film studios. The levels consists of walls, platforms, traps, switches and adversaries. You will make significant progress only if you can locate those switches which are necessary to proceed, and if you avoid the [...]