Rambo is a side scrolling platform game where the player controls Rambo with his mission to Vietnam. The game starts at the military base before getting sent to Vietnam. In Vietnam, Rambo has to fight animals in the jungles, swamps, and caves like wasps, [...]
Ever wanted to live life on a farm, with nothing but the sun, the fresh scent of your crops, the muddy fields underneath, and cows and chickens to keep you company? Well, you’re in luck, because you have just inherited your grandfather’s [...]
The basic gameplay of Battle Chess remains true to the board game, with the added feature of unique battle animations for each capture. These animations varied for every combination of attack vs defender, making part of the enjoyment of Battle Chess in [...]
Labyrinth is a video game published in 1984 by Acornsoft for the BBC Micro. At the time, it was a highly acclaimed Acornsoft release, with its high resolution graphics, addictive gameplay and fluid animation. Labyrinth is a scrolling 2D shoot ’em [...]
Thunderbirds ## Description An evil alien named Hood wants the Thunderbirds to turn over all their vehicles to him within a 60 day time period or Hood will bombard the Earth with meteors. The Thunderbirds figure he needs the 60 days to prepare to come [...]
Lunar Lander was originally written as a text-based computer game in the FOCAL programming language for the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-8 computer by Jim Storer while a student at Lexington High School (Massachusetts) in the autumn of 1969.