Final episode of “Zero spring” ! First you can choose to display the previous synopsis so you can enjoy it without playing the previous game. The final investigation will start to solve the mystery of spring water. Zero spring episode 3
It is a sequel to Zero spring episode 1. First you can choose to display the previous synopsis so you can enjoy it without playing the previous game. Although the previous work was FPS, it became JRPG to express the story completely from episode 2. Zero [...]
Because we released games of similar content in two languages,according to the recommendation from STEAM, Japanese version has retired from steam store search. Support for this game is ended.We will make an effort so that there will not be such a thing [...]
You play as a freelance mercenary hired by world governments to strike against terrorists. The missions get harder as you proceed, but the money you earn for completing each mission makes it worthwhile. You can purchase additional aircraft and arms as you [...]