Leap Day ## Description ### iTunes Store Description Leap Day is a fast paced action platformer with a brand new level every day! …no really EVERY DAY! …like until the END OF TIME! **Top 10 Appstore game of the year 2016** Features: • A brand [...]
Icebreaker 2 ## Description Icebreaker is a Flash-based puzzle game in which the player has to free Vikings frozen solid in the ice, and get them safely in their longboat. By drawing a line with the mouse, the player can specify where to cut through the [...]
Silly Sausage in Meat Land ## Description ### iTunes Store Description Meet our stretchy pooch : Silly Sausage in his adventure through Meat Land. Swipe based controls will allow you to stretch through the air changing direction as you go. Latch onto a [...]
FlipSide ## Description Flipside is a 2D side-scrolling racing game where the player controls a vehicle that can cling to walls, jump and spin into the air. The player races against three computer-controlled opponents on futuristic, industrial-themed [...]
Slime Pizza ## Description ### iTunes Store Description As Slime Pizza’s delivery boy, your ship crash lands and all the pizzas have been scattered! Collect all the pizza you can, but beware the watchful eye of the planet’s patrol officer! [...]