Crash Presents December 1989 ## Description This compilation from the December 1989 edition of the Spectrum magazine Crash! came in a larger case than they usually did, and featured four formerly commercial games and two which were released exclusively by [...]
Crash! Powertape October 1991 ## Description Issue 93 of Crash! came with a cover-mounted cassette containing two full games: Doomdark’s Revenge, Mike Singleton’s continuation of the Lords of Midnight saga, and Spy Vs Spy, the first computer [...]
Crash! Powertape July ’91 ## Description The main free cassette with the July 1991 issue of Spectrum magazine Crash! came with a block of POKE cheats, as ever, as well as a demo of Turrican. There are also four complete games to play though. Two of [...]
Powerplay-Xtra ## Description Alongside a demo of Night Shift, four complete unreleased games feature on this cassette. Atlantis founder Graham Shaw offers Hunter, a Duck Hunt meets Operation Wolf fusion, in which shooting animals within the time limit, [...]
Crash Presents September 1990 ## Description Issue 80 of the Spectrum magazine Crash! came with a cassette containing two previously-released game – platform arcade adventure Dynamite Dan, and Luna Atac, a platform game which was originally released [...]
Crash Powertape September 1991 ## Description This cover-mounted magazine cassette has some relatively unusual items on, with only one former commercial game – fondly-remembered RPG/strategy hybrid Lords of Midnight. There is a playable demo of the [...]