Jetfighter III ## Description The Jetfighter series returns once again, albeit this time it is released by Mission Studios, a spin-off from Velocity, the original developers of this franchise. While once again the battle is against a drug lord, it takes [...]
Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess ## Description Based on the best-selling chess-book of the same name by Bobby Fischer. The educational course, illustrated history of chess and 500 chess matches of amazing Bobby are presented in this game. Window-interface, 3D [...]
JetFighter: Full Burn ## Description Somewhere between Jetfighter 3 and 4 came Full Burn, a game that takes a turn towards arcade action over simulation and adds a Wing Commander-like interactive movie air to the game. As the game starts a conflict [...]
JetFighter III Enhanced Campaign CD ## Description New scenery, missions and game features for the JetFighter III Combat Flight Simulator. Adds 5 million square miles and 70 missions to the original JetFighter III. JetFighter III Enhanced Campaign CD