Zythum ## Description The Zythum is a magical drink, which, when imbibed, generates unknown powers. It lies hidden in the depths of a forbidding castle, which can only be reached by crossing four extremely hostile territories, each of which is guarded by [...]
Betrayed by his people, TRANTOR is abandoned alone on an Alien planet. His only chance of escape is to activate the planet’s main computer that lies within the terminal building. Spectacular sound and graphics transport you light years to the [...]
The player configures each plane’s loadout for your mission, plans the mission package, then fly your missions. The player’s task is to configure the planes and to plan and execute each mission, commanding multiple sections of each plane.
In the future, most people travel using Matter Transporters, but to Rebels this is dull. They have taken the abandoned orbital road and turned it into the Battletrack. You take your Mean Streak motorcycle and set out to dart through this dangerous Mad Max [...]
Savage Savage is an action video game developed by Probe Software and published by Firebird Software in 1988 for ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST and MS-DOS. In 1989 Firebird published a version for the Amiga.