The Ultimate Red Ball Challenge is based on the British TV show Total Wipeout, which also inspired the American version known simply as Wipeout. This Nintendo Wii adaptation amounts to a minigame collection themed after the show.
The player configures each plane’s loadout for your mission, plans the mission package, then fly your missions. The player’s task is to configure the planes and to plan and execute each mission, commanding multiple sections of each plane.
Paperboy is a 1985 arcade game by Atari Games originally developed in 1984 . The players take the role of a paperboy who delivers newspapers along a suburban street on his bicycle. The game was ported to numerous video game consoles and personal [...]
World of Aden: Thunderscape ## Description The Thunder Age has been marked by an industrial revolution. Having discovered the power of steam, the races of that magical medieval realm began to produce firearms and construct steam-powered golems. However, [...]
Fresh from her recent defeat at the Battle of Canis Major, the Dark Queen decides to take out her aggressions on her archenemies, the Battletoads. The 'Toads and their mentor, Professor T-Bird, are currently escorting Princess Angelica home to her father, [...]
A View to a Kill is the name of the computer games released in 1985 based on the James Bond film A View to a Kill. James Bond 007: A View to a Kill was a text-based video game for DOS, Macintosh and Apple II computers. It was developed by Angelsoft, Inc. [...]
Superstar Ice Hockey ## Description In Superstar Ice Hockey you control one of 20 NHL teams. The game has no license so you can’t play with the stars. There are 4 groups with 5 teams. After the regular season the best 2 teams of every group are [...]