Alfred Chicken ## Description Alfred the chicken must rescue his friends and his bird (pardon the pun) Floella from the Meka Chickens. The result is a platform game across differently-themed levels, which are finished by either climbing to the top of the [...]
Dropzone ## Description Dropzone is basically a Defender variant, closely recreating the gameplay of the original Defender with its speedy scrolling and frantic gameplay. The player controls a spaceman with a jet-pack, flying across a barren landscape [...]
Racter ## Description From the Racter FAQ: > > In 1984, William Chamberlain published a book called “The Policeman’s Beard is Half Constructed” (Warner Books, NY. 0-446-38051-2, paper $9.95). The introduction claims: “With the [...]
LEGO Land ## Description Lego Island is an action adventure game designed for younger players. The game is played from a first-person perspective as one of several characters on the island. The island is a three-dimensional world with a lot of Lego [...]
Chessmaster 8000 ## Description The grandmaster of PC chess is back and better than ever! The revamped chess AI plays at grandmaster level, even stronger than before. New chess sets with 16-bit art looks better than ever. Improved “Natural Language [...]
Worlds of Legend: Son of the Empire ## Description Worlds of Legend is the follow-up to Legend. The game is in essence the same as the former game – an isometric 3D RPG. It is now set in an “Eastern” environment but once again you take [...]
Chessmaster 7000 ## Description Prepare youreself to experience computer chess in an entirely new way. As always, those who don’t stand to oppose the computer AI can always play more or less introductory chess in basically learning cathegory. In [...]
Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen ## Description Ring is an interactive science fiction opera adventure, a 3D graphical adventure set in the 40th century that follows the story of Richard Wagner’s epic opera Ring of the Nibelungen. As one of four [...]