The Keys to Maramon ## Description _The Keys to Maramon_ is set in the same world as Magic Candle, and uses a modified engine from said game. This is a single player RPG more aimed at novice players. Your job is to clear out all the monsters infesting the [...]
Great Naval Battles: Burning Steel 1939-1942 ## Description A naval surface warfare war game set in the European theatre of World War II. The player may play in a series of independent scenarios or quick skirmishes with the main bulk of the missions [...]
Infiltrator ## Description Infiltrator is a combination of first-person helicopter simulator and isometric third-person espionage action. You, as Johnny McGibbitts, ace pilot and neurosurgeon, were given a mission against the “Mad Leader”. You [...]
Willow ## Description Based on the movie. Willow consists of various action sequences which recreate different scenes from the movie including an escape from the dungeons, lost in the ice caves, escaping from guards in the woods, and others. The player [...]
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier ## Description Captain Kirk has just received an urgent transmission from the commander of Starfleet detailing the situation on Nimbus III. The starship Enterprise is heading to the Neutral Zone. It appears that the Vulcan [...]
Quarantine 2 – Road Warrior ## Description Quarantine II: Road Warrior is the sequel to Quarantine the driving game. As in the original, you still play the role of Drake Edgewater, a cab driver whose only goal is to escape the hell of futuristic [...]
Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1846-1905 ## Description This game lets you design and play turn-based strategic battles. You can create scenarios between years 1846 and 1905. You have complete control over all the units, and can customize [...]
Al Unser Jr. Arcade Racing ## Description As the game title implies, Al Unser, Jr. Arcade Racing is an action oriented racing game. While the game is set in the IndyCar racing league, not all 15 courses feature the trademark oval design; some of them are [...]