One of the most famous flight simulators of the years 1994/95 allowing us to pilot a modern fighter F-14 Tomcat, which to this day is in the active service of the American Navy. It was created by a team of Microprose programmers, then the best specialists [...]
It’s 1930. You’re presented with a vast game world made up of numerous small towns and raw material resources. You’ve got £100,000 and you’ve got to prove yourself; to set the wheels in motion to become the Transport Tycoon. You [...]
This is a strategy game set in the realities of World War II. The whole gameplay was built on the basis of a turn-based system modelled on such titles as Soldiers at War, Jagged Alliance and X-Com. We are commanded here by a unit of soldiers from the [...]
Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares (MOO2) is a 4X turn-based strategy game set in space, designed by Steve Barcia and Ken Burd, and developed by Simtex, who developed its predecessor Master of Orion. The PC version was published by MicroProse in 1996, [...]
An expansion pack to Sid Meier’s compelling strategy game Civilization II, the rare Scenario Disk Conflicts in Civilization includes 20 bonus scenarios, including eight “Best of the Net” scenarios created by fans of the series. Sid [...]
Formula 1 Grand Prix (known as World Circuit in the US) is the first installment of Geoff Crammond’s Grand Prix series. The game includes all 16 international GP circuits of 1991. Players may drive them in quick race mode, single race or a full [...]