Killer Gorilla ## Description _Killer Gorilla_ is a four stage platform game set on a building construction site. Stages consist of girders, ladders, conveyor belts and elevators. The object of stages one, two and three is to reach the top of the screen [...]
Bumble Bee ## Description _Bumble Bee_ is a top view single screen maze game where you play the role of a bee and you have to collect all the pollen on the screen to move to a box marked OUT to go to the next level. There are two types of walls on the [...]
Felix in the Factory ## Description Players control Felix, a factory worker who must ensure that his generator does not run out of oil. The oil can be found somewhere within the factory. But before he can reach it, Felix must first cross by jumping over [...]
Rubble Trouble ## Description The third world war between 2001 and 2003 ends with a massive nuclear explosion. The force of the explosion and the effects of the radioactivity is felt all over the world and forces the humans to live in primitive caves. The [...]