Mugsy ## Description Chicago in the 30s. You are an aspiring boss of a criminal organization and plan to make big money. Easier said than done, though – you will have to decide how much money to spend on money and how much to invest. And doing a [...]
Judge Dredd ## Description You are Judge Dredd. Your job is to track down unsolved crimes in Mega City and solve them. To do this you have your Lawmaster bike and your Lawgiver gun. In Mega City solving crimes means shooting anyone who looks like a [...]
Marble Madness DeLuxe Edition ## Description Marble Madness Construction Set gave enthusiasts of the arcade game Marble Madness a chance to create their own layouts that was not seen in any of the other home versions. However, it lacked a direct [...]
Grand Larceny ## Description You are standing outside a hotel and your mission is to enter the hotel and explore it to find the plans to a super computer. There are many rooms and floors to explore as you find objects in various places and various other [...]
It is set 2179, 100 years after the World Nuclear War. After spending another 4 decades underground, hiding from the first loss against the Evolved, the Survivors rose up to a new enemy: the Series 9. The Series 9 robots are machines that have advanced [...]
Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire Krush Kill ‘N Destroy 2: Krossfire This planet ain’t big enough for the three of you. The Earth’s surface may be nothing more than a burnt out hell hole but the Survivors, the Evolved, and the Series 9 robots [...]