Space Armada is a clone of the game Space Invaders. Rows of bomb dropping aliens are invading your home planet, and you need to protect it! You control a laser gun at the bottom of the screen; your goal is to earn as many points as possible by destroying [...]
In Sub Hunt you control a group of four submarines one at a time. The goal is to destroy six convoys which will be attempting to cross the stretch of sea you are guarding. You can aim and fire torpedoes using a periscope view, have your submarine dive and [...]
B-17 Bomber takes place near the end of World War II. As the pilot of a B-17, your mission is to fly across the English Channel and bomb various strategic targets. First you need to select a destination which features a lot of targets. The further the [...]
Buzz Bombers is an arcade action game similar to Centipede. You control a can of bug spray at the bottom of the screen, and you need to defend yourself from the swarms of incoming bees. The bees start at the top of the screen, and fly their way back and [...]
Imagine a hunter, alone in Deep Space. You control his movements. He’s armed with a “gas blaster.” His prime target is the white Space Hawk. If a Hawk, deadly gas bubbles, comets or amoebas touch the hunter, he tumbles into infinity! [...]
You've found the secret map to the underground lair of the dreaded Minotaur. You can go in, but you'll never come out unless you slay the Minotaur and claim his Tarmin treasure. As you make your way through the hallways and chambers, monsters wield their [...]
Launching from repair bay 28 of the Galatea, you guide your Blue Fighter Wing through the Launch Ring at lightspeed, entering enemy territory, sector Delta Five Niner! Your mission: Rescue the Orange Wing Center which was captured alive, before the enemy [...]
In 480 B.C. a small Spartan force held off Xerxes and the entire Persian army, in the famous Battle of Thermopylae. The Spartans chose to die defending the pass into Greece, to give their allies time to prepare for attack. SPACE SPARTANS reenacts this [...]