ElektraGlide ## Description _Elektraglide_ is a futuristic motorcycle driving game where the player chooses to drive in one of three countries, England, Australia, or America. On the road, there are many strange obstacles such as bouncing globes, spinning [...]
Bump Set Spike! Bump Set Spike! is a Sports game, developed by Superior Quality Software and published by Mastertronic, which was released in Europe in 1986.
Excaliba Excaliba is an Action game, published by Mastertronic, which was released in 1985. It takes about 0.8 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Just Right-Tough Excaliba
Knight Tyme ## Description _After rescuing the wizard Gimbal, the Magic Knight finds himself transported into the 25th century aboard the peaceful trade starship USS Pisces. He must find a way back to his own time._ Knight Tyme is the third game of the [...]
Kobyashi Naru ## Description Split into knowledge, wisdom and understanding sections, the Kobyashi Naru trial must be completed in order to gain immortal status. Collect the required objects from each one in this adventure game. The game offers pictures [...]
The Weaponographist is a speedrunning hack-n-slasher dipped in a bit of rogue sauce. Doug McGrave, demon hunter and all-around jerk, refused to help a poor village and now he’s cursed to have every weapon fall apart in his hands. Never stop and [...]
The player takes the role of Sheriff of the town of Kane. The game is split into four levels, two of which are shooting games using an on-screen target and two of which are side-scrolling action sequences on horseback.