Prowler ## Description Prowler sends you deep into space, to Ursa Minor Delta-V, where the Peradusins are on the attack (companies were starting to run out of subtle ways to re-identify Russia; perhaps it’s a good job they weren’t ‘the [...]
Jonah Barrington’s Squash ## Description For many years this was the only squash game in existence, and it’s licensed by one of the top stars of the 80s. Jonah calls the score, and claimed that the program could boost a player’s squash [...]
ElektraGlide ## Description _Elektraglide_ is a futuristic motorcycle driving game where the player chooses to drive in one of three countries, England, Australia, or America. On the road, there are many strange obstacles such as bouncing globes, spinning [...]
Kobyashi Naru ## Description Split into knowledge, wisdom and understanding sections, the Kobyashi Naru trial must be completed in order to gain immortal status. Collect the required objects from each one in this adventure game. The game offers pictures [...]
Energy Warrior ## Description Its the year 2079, the earth is in sad shape as a result of neglect and chemical erosion. Its people have been decimated by plagues. The few remaining areas of natural beauty are very precious to those people who remain. You [...]
Vegas Jackpot ## Description _Vegas Jackpot_ is a simulation of the gambling fruit machine. The player tosses the coin in the slot of the video machine and starts to spin the reels, waiting for the winning combination to appear for a single-pay line. To [...]