Aquitania ## Description Aquitania is a match-three game. Using your mouse, swap two items so as to complete a straight line of three or more of the same item. The object is to clear the blue squares by making matches over them or using a bonus item. Once [...]
Exorcist ## Description Like his father before him, Garret “Ghostfighter” is a professional exorcist, born with a special ability to see all the demons and souls occupying haunted places. On a dark night, he receives a letter from his [...]
Cradle Of Persia Build the mysterious heart of Ancient Persia in this engaging puzzle game! The original capital of the Achaemenid Empire was adorned with luxurious metals, gems and stone carvings, sure to have impressed peasants and visiting nobles alike.
El Dorado El Dorado is an Action game, developed and published by Gottlieb, which was released in 1975. It takes about 2.5 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Easy-Just Right
Three Musketeers Secrets: Constance’s Mission Discover the unknown secrets of the Three Musketeers and uncover a devious plot against the queen! Constance is the Queen’s personal guard and secret agent. When she discovers of a possible plot against [...]
Insider Tales: The Secret of Casanova ## Description While on vacation, Francesca DiPorta receives a phone call from Professor Manini, summoning her to his manor in Italy. She arrives to the place and finds no sign of her old acquaintance, but soon [...]
Miss Teri Tales – Danger Next Door Help Miss Teri Tale investigate the mysterious murders taking place in Peeking Town! With the help of Sheriff Allen, follow the trail that the killer left behind. Question neighbors and dig deeper by searching [...]