#### Description Word Search by POWGI includes more than 300 puzzles to keep you – and your friends – puzzling for hours! Up to four can play! Connect extra controllers to solve the puzzle as a team – or compete for the best score. [...]
#### Description The mixed-up anagram puzzle, where three connected words are hidden among a jumble of letters. There’s only one solution that uses every letter once, and it’s more challenging than you might think! Mixups by POWGI contains 600 [...]
#### Description The popular picture crossword series goes back to basics! Pic-a-Pix is a picture logic game, sometimes known as Picross, Nonogram or Hanjie, where whimsical pixel-art pictures are created by solving puzzles. Pic-a-Pix Classic features 150 [...]
#### Description Block-a-Pix is a block-filling logic puzzle where every grid has a picture hidden inside. Reveal the picture by dividing the grid into smaller rectangular blocks to create a colorful mosaic. Each block must contain one clue number, [...]
#### Description The classic word wheel puzzle goes digital! Find as many words as you can from the letters shown, always using the middle letter! There are 100 puzzles to solve and 100 groan-worthy jokes to reveal! This Cross-Buy product entitles you to [...]