Short interactive story-telling 3D platform adventure game. The gameplay is about 45~60 mins. ## About This Game Can a lonely spirit find where it belongs? A story-based short 3D game with simple controls and multiple gameplays. You can experience the [...]
The rotate & flip inherent visual image breaks the limitations of the perspective and formal logic of traditional 2D games. Play as the knight who lives by fire. Use visual rotation and flip to pass obstacles and break the shackles of perspective [...]
原本閒暇無趣的生活,因一隻白兔全變了調。要趕快找到回家的路,還是留在這瘋狂的世界呢?這是一款以《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》奇幻文學發想的解謎 RPG 小品,採用多結局劇情與獨特的美術風格,並塞入了許多愛刷存在感的蜥蜴比爾。 ## About This Game 大家好,我們是來自東南科技大學數位遊戲設計系的學生!\\(๑╹◡╹๑)ノ♬ 我們製作了一款以 RPG 形式、包含解謎探索元素的冒險遊戲「Go home, go home?」 基本玩法如下: * WASD 移動角色 * QE 旋轉視角 * ESC [...]
Fight of Steel: Infinity WarriorA new fighting game with ultimate freedom. Players will have the opportunity to customize their own fighter from the appearance to fighting moves. *Rollback net code will be provided* ## About This Game Fight of Steel: [...]
Crossing Frontier is a 2.5D action RPG. Choose your favorite characters and join with your teammate to defeat your enemies! ## About This Game Crossing Frontier is a 2.5D action RPG. Choose your favorite characters and join with your teammate to defeat [...]
故事是從這裡開始的—某天主角因公司倒閉而失業,那樣的年代失業可不是小事,要是無法賺錢養家餬口,他們一家三口可不是要露宿街頭?這種時候不論做什麼工作他都願意!此時天外飛來的傳單,像是天降奇蹟般地拯救了他。於是他下定決心,去薪水高但充滿危險與怪物的礦坑工作。礦工作為礦坑中的勇者,雖然有著極高的薪水,但他們要剷除礦坑中的各種怪物,化解所有危機,能夠從危機重重的礦坑中,將煤礦帶回礦坑外的礦工,被人們譽為「黑金勇者」。 ## About This Game [...]
A survival horror puzzle RPG. Roll your dice to perform checks for elements such as Willpower or Firepower, and save a girl in a hospital full of evil spirits and zombies. ## About This Game A survival horror puzzle RPG. Roll your dice to perform checks [...]
Arctictopia is a puzzle-solving game in the Arctic Ocean. Figure out routes and plan your moves to help mama polar bear find her cub on the melting ice. ## About This Game Arctictopia is a puzzle-solving game in the Arctic Ocean. Figure out routes and [...]