## Description _Szachista_ is an adaptation of classic Chess game for up to two players (human or computer). The game allows to set a few additional visual options presented in adjustable windows, such as a list of defeated pawns, real-time movement [...]
## Description _Syn Boga Wiatru_ (Son of the Wind God) is a platform game, set in Inca cities and temples. The player is a professor who, on each of the game’s four levels, is trying to find a priceless amphora. Jumping around and climbing ladders [...]
## Description _Smu ś_ is a platform game. The hero of the game was kidnapped by Ice Baron. The player must help him escape from the old ruins. There are nearly 250 rooms to overcome. In each of them, the protagonist encounters baron knights, Indians and [...]
## Description _Skarb Templariuszy_ is an adventure game with graphics presented in the form of photographs. The action takes place in an old Castle and in the surrounding countryside. The main goal of the player is finding a mystical ring opening the [...]
## Description Wacek and Andzia, a pair of school friends, are told by an old Professor that a flying saucer crashed somewhere on Earth. Poor little alien didn’t make it on a sharp interstellar turn… The player guides the two kids trying to [...]
## Description _Sen_ is an adventure game with graphics presented in the form of photographs. The action takes place in a dream and your task is to find a way to wake up. The place of gameplay is a backyard, home interior, beach and cemetery. The [...]
## Description _Saper_ is a two-dimensional platform game with elements of puzzle-solving. The story tells of a criminal organization, which managed to steal important NATO documents. CIA agents have failed to recover the documents, therefore the [...]
## Description _Rycerze Mroku_ is a first person perspective fantasy martial art game. The goal of the game is to defeat the evil minions and save the world. Each duel is preceded by a text introduction and animation of opponent’s skills. The fight [...]