Duet Game is an Action game, published by Kumobius, which was released in 2013. It takes about 24 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Tough-Unforgiving Duet Game
“Starting from the bottom, Then jumping wall to wall, Deftly dodging, swiftly scaling, Trying not to fall, Backflipping will launch you back, And spin you round and round, But don’t mistime cos if you drop, You’ll plummet to the ground.”
Your survival is dependent on protecting two vessels – they are devices in sync, a dance and song between two entities tethered together in symbiosis. Feel edge of your seat terror where the world around you becomes quiet and numb as all that [...]
You’re a Bean and constantly jumping you just need to navigate left and right to collect fruit and navigate through fiery dangers. This sounds easy but don’t be deceived, you cannot collect everything on the first play through. Multiple play through’s are [...]