Chew-Man-Fu has gone too far! His evil curse deprives you, (and everyone else), of your beloved egg rolls and fried rice. To break his spell, roll 4 magic balls through a maze to matching colored squares. Sound easy? Hah! Chew’s whole zoo is out to [...]
It’s been two years since Arnold and Sonya were made into Shockmen. A message from the professor to return to their bodies has them head to his laboratory, but they are ambushed by a mysterious enemy along the way. After narrowly defeating the [...]
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja is a light-hearted action-adventure game for 1-2 players by Konami, and was released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991. It is the first game in the Japanese video game series Ganbare Goemon to have a [...]
A century of Transylvanian tranquility is about to come to a shocking end. Once again the mortifying screams of helpless villagers shake the ground as they huddle against new nightmarish horrors unleashed by the Duke of Darkness, Count Dracula. And this [...]
On the baddest streets of the city they know your name. You are lean and mean… the karate master they call the Vigilante! Your turf was left alone. Your friends and neighbors lived in peace. Until the Rogue gang got too big for their britches. You [...]
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus is a standalone addition to last year’s award winning stealth action title of the same name. Focusing on a portable multiplayer experience, players will be able to enjoy more maps, more missions, and recruit a [...]