Blue Blaster Blue Blaster is a Strategy game, developed by Irukasan Team and published by Kogado Studio, which was released in Japan in 2006. Blue Blaster
Hakuisei Aijou Isonshou Hakuisei Aijou Izonshou is an Adventure game, developed and published by Kogado Studio, which was released in Japan in 2018. Franchise: Hakuisei Renai Shoukougun
Japanese RPG. Two editions exist, one for the MSX1 on cartridge, and one for the MSX2 on 3.5″ diskette. The seal of the Dark Lord Terarin has been broken and Terarin has been unleashed into the world again. She has stolen the Golden Seal and opened [...]
Schwarzschild EX Schwarzschild X is a Strategy game, developed and published by Kogado Studio, which was released in Japan in 1999. Franchise: Schwarzschild Schwarzschild EX
The story takes place in the year 3530, where the KGD star limits have fallen to the evil Quilla empire. The protagonist of the story which you play is a soldier of the Alliance, which sends you to stop the menace of the KDG.
In the game, the player takes the role as a newcomer to the invention workshop, aimed at restoring the city in the middle of the sea, "Tristia". In the progress of the game, the player has to listen to the voices of the people living in the city and [...]