Romance of the Three Kingdoms X is the tenth installment of the long-running series and takes place right after the fall of the Han Dynasty. It nearly covers 147 years of Chinese history. Gameplay is the same as previous incarnations, an overhead view, [...]
Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore The pretty graphics make DOA2: Hardcore a good showpiece, and the game has enough options to make it a worthwhile purchase for fight-hungry PS2 owners. Not content with the wide acclaim that the Dreamcast version received when it [...]
From the creators of Dynasty Warriors comes an unbelievable game that tells the tale of the epic Trojan War. In this ancient time, men and gods fought alongside one another for eternal glory. Carve your name into history as you experience amazing action [...]
Ninja Gaiden is an action-adventure hack and slash video game developed by Team Ninja for the Xbox video game console. The game follows the fictional story of Ryu Hayabusa, a master ninja, in his quest to recover a stolen sword and avenge the slaughter of [...]
In the new Story Mode, follow the ascent and fall of heroes. In Dynasty Warriors 7, experience a new Story Mode and follow the captivating story of our Kingdoms battling for rule of China. Experience the individual tales of the Shu, Wu, Wei and the new [...]
The popular Atelier RPG franchise returns in this 15th project for the franchise. For the first time in franchise history, two different playable main characters are featured in the game: Escha Malier and “Logy” Logix Ficsario.
Forget about being healthy! Here’s a game that celebrates eating, getting fat, and fighting! Hold the Wii Remote horizontally, and tilt it left, right, up or down to perform all kinds of lifts and throws just like in real sumo. Use all the moves you [...]
The world was at peace thanks to the six elemental dragons of water, fire, thunder, earth, wind, and ice. In this world, dragons control both nature and the climate; therefor they are worshipped by human beings and humanoids as the gaurdians of the world, [...]