The Alien ## Description The U.F.P. research vessel _Thrasybulus_ has finished surveying an unexplored planet and prepares to head home across interstellar distances when the alarm sounds: an alien life form found on the planet and taken aboard for study [...]
Planet Miners ## Description It’s January 1, 2050, and after many decades of research and development of space travel, mankind is ready to reach out to the planets of the solar system to establish mining bases. Up to four players compete with each [...]
Flying Ace ## Description Supply chain disruption is the goal of this side-scroller. Loop around in your sturdy biplane and strafe enemy trucks rolling along on the road below. There are patrol planes and anti-aircraft guns, to be certain, but success or [...]
Andromeda Conquest is a strategy / conquest game in which one to four players build galactic empires by establishing and defending space colonies, managing resources, and battling other players for control of star systems. Before every turn, players [...]
Midway Campaign ## Description _Midway Campaign_ is a computer simulation of the Battle of Midway Island in June 1942, arguably one of the most decisive battles in the history of warfare. The computer controls a huge force of Japanese ships whose [...]
Tanktics ## Description It is September 6, 1943 following the debacle at Kursk the German Army reels back to the protection of the Dneiper River. The Red Army pursues hard trying to turn a retreat into a rout. You are in charge of a tiny Panzer Group [...]
Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship ## Description _Voyager_ is a first-person action game that challenges the player to explore the levels of an alien spacecraft’s maze. The environments consist of corridors and rooms done with 3D vector [...]