## Description JoWooD Productions’ _Wirtschaftsgiganten_ ( _Economy Giants_ in English) is a bundle consisting of five individual games on five CD-ROMs: * Die Gilde * Hotel Gigant * Der Verkehrsgigant Gold Edition * Die Volker 2 Gold Edition * [...]
## Description _Das Geheimnis der Happy Hippo Insel_ (“The Secret of Happy Hippo Island”) is based on the Happy Hippo toy figures hidden in the “Kinder Überraschung” (“Kinder Surprise” outside of Germany) chocolate eggs [...]
## Description This addition to “Der Industrie Gigant” (Industry Giant) adds several new products to do business with to the game. Also included are three completely different industry branches. The expansion also features enhanced graphics, [...]
## Description _Die Gilde: Gaukler, Gruften & Geschutze_ is the add-on to Europa 1400: The Guild. It extends the main game with: * Three new occupations (traveling entertainer, churchyard warden, tailor) * Three new titles * Five new offices and [...]
Nations Gold Edition, The on Nations Gold Edition, The on ## Description This package contains both, the original Die Volker 2 AKA The Nations and the “Bonus Pack”. Owners of a previous release can download the additional content without [...]