“Apocalypse Knights” is an Action Game. It’s up to you, the heroic knight, to take back lands tainted with darkness. You shall save the world with blessed weapons, armors, ultimate skills, and holy horses. Come, your destiny awaits! ## About This Game [...]
“Apocalypse Knights” is an Action Game. It’s up to you, the heroic knight, to take back lands tainted with darkness. You shall save the world with blessed weapons, armors, ultimate skills, and holy horses. Come, your destiny awaits!
You ARE the legendary knight Guan Yu of the Han dynasty. With the Dragon Crescent Blade in your hand, you will dash, slash, clash your way across the battlefield on your royal mount The Red Hare, and face-off with one of your greatest adversary in an epic [...]
“Kung Fu All-Star VR” want to provide unique in-game experiences about “Kung Fu” in the VR world. Now we can try to use the “Nunchucks” to beat up more enemies !
Meteor Blade ## Description In this game the player takes the role of a trained assassin named Meteor Blade. Together with his colleague Meng Xing Yun he was sent to kill an influential man. Unfortunately he has a lot of goons on his side which need to be [...]