In a future where global terrorists rule and mankind lives on the brink of destruction, the the ultimate doomsday device has just been discovered beneath the frozen wasteland of northern Russia. Code-named Cyberia, it was designed in an era of long [...]
Rags to Riches: The Financial Market Simulation ## Description You play a young college graduate who has been given a large sum of money by your parents to set up a company. You start in a crummy office on the Lower East Side of town, and as you dabble [...]
BPM Racing ## Description RPM Racing was preceded by Rareware’s R.C. Pro-Am in 1988 and Electronic Art’s Racing Destruction Set in 1985, with the latter being the larger influence. It is a precursor to Rock ‘n Roll Racing, which was done [...]
Descent II: Vertigo Series ## Description An extras pack released after the success of Descent II, Vertigo Series adds 23 missions and, as a bonus, provides some of the music tracks from the original Descent II in Redbook Audio format (plays in a regular [...]
Richard the Lionheart's massacre of 3000 prisoners at the Siege of Acre, during the Third Crusade, was used by a villainous character as fuel for a ritual which tore the fabric of reality. This resulted in magic invading the world from other mysterious [...]
Interplay’s Classic Collection ## Description A collection of games designed for Dos and Windows 3.1 The games are as listed: Crete, Fastring, Flying Pictures, Lineman, Master of Bombs, Shadows and Solitaire for Windows. Crete is a sliding puzzle [...]
Hardwar ## Description The craters together is named Misplaced Optimism… And it’s completely appropriate. Located on Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, the colony started as a mining colony. As the wealth of mineral discovery spread, gangs [...]
Virtual Pool Hall Virtual Pool Hall ## Description Sequel to Virtual Pool 2, you have all the VP2 options such as arrange tournaments, adjust table settings (like pocket size), and arrange multiplayer over LAN, Internet, serial, or modem. It also adds [...]