Prehistorik 2 takes up the story of its predecessor, for another caveman-era platform game. The hero must use his club to crush animal enemies, many of which then release bonus items to collect. He no longer needs to feed his clan, so there is no required [...]
One dark and stormy evening, the civic-minded Professor Stinkbaum was working in his lab where he was secretly building a machine that would save the world from pollution by transporting it to a place he called Dimension X-Crement. That same evening, [...]
The player takes the role of human Cadet David Forester, leader of a cadet group at Starfleet's San Francisco–based Command College. The player has to pass all the simulated missions, optionally including the infamous Kobayashi Maru scenario. The [...]
Control ultra-powerful mecha that run, jump, duck, strafe, swim, and stomp on enemy personnel. Wield gigantic, super-destructive weapons, and transform into a hover tank in 800 milliseconds flat. You may have driven giant robots, but you’ve never [...]
It is unclear when exactly the game was going to take place. According to the summary in a design document, "almost a century has passed" since the Great War.
The Brotherhood of Steel (in concept art, they appear similar to the Midwestern branch from [...]
The Nazis won World War II with technology from the future and now the future is paying for it with deadly electrical storms. You are a renegade mercenary sent back to World War II Germany to stop the weapon being built and therefore save the future.
Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm is a sword and sorcery action game. Adventurers play as a male knight, Cynric or as the female sorceress Ayowen. The heroes battle their way through a dark fantasy world where they must ultimately defeat the dragon lord. A story [...]