## Description Stuiter (Dutch for bounce) is a game with a playing field full of dots. On this field there’s a snake eating those dots. When the snake hits one of the walls, he bounces off in a different direction. The player can change these walls [...]
## Description _Schieten_ (Dutch for shoot) is a one-button shooting game. On the screen a shooting target is shown and a randomly moving dot. The objective of the game is to press the spacebar when the dot is as close as possible to the bullseye. The [...]
## Description Rondgang is a board game for 2 to 4 players. The objective of the game is to walk as many laps around the board as quickly as possible. The players take turns throwing a dice which determines how many squares they must move. After that they [...]
## Description _Mens Erger Je Niet_ is a Dutch board game for 4 players. The title translates to “man, do not get aggravated” and gameplay is similar to the board game Parcheesi. Each player has 4 pawns and the objective of the game is to walk [...]
## Description _Gokkast_ is a Dutch slot machine game. You start with 100 points. Pulling the lever costs 1 point. After pulling the lever four reels start to spin and when they stop you can see whether or not you have won points. You have won when the [...]
## Description _Galgje_ is the Dutch version of _Hangman_. The game shows a row of dots which represents the letters of a word. The player has to guess this word by entering letters. When a letter is in the word a dot is replaced by this letter. When a [...]
## Description Duits (Dutch for German) is an educational game for learning German words. The game shows 50 German words, one after the other, and the player must enter the Dutch translation of each word. The first and the last letter of each answer is [...]
## Description Driester (Dutch for three star) is a game in which the player must clear the playing field by catching three stars at a time. Stars appear randomly on the playing field. The player controls a square and when there are exactly three stars in [...]