Fairy Tail Gekitou! Madoushi Kessen TV Anime: Fairy Tail Gekitou! Madoushi Kessen is an Action game, developed by AI and published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 2010. Franchise: Fairy Tail It takes about 13.9 hours to complete this game. [...]
Net de Bomberman Net de Bomberman is a Puzzle game, published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 2004. Franchise: Bomberman It takes about 8.8 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this game: Just Right
Momotaro Dentetsu: 20 Shuunen Momotarou Dentetsu: 20-Shuunen is a Miscellaneous game, developed and published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 2008. Franchise: Momotarou Dentetsu It takes about 22 hours to complete this game. Difficulty of this [...]
All Star Baseball “All Star Baseball” is a simple game consisting of two play patterns: hitting and pitching. So, you can enjoy the game even if you do not know the rules of baseball. Using the superb action functions, control the pitching [...]
Momotarou Dentetsu 2010: Sengoku Ishin no Hero Daishuugou! no Maki Momotarou Dentetsu 2010: Sengoku Ishin no Hero Daishuugou! no Maki is a Miscellaneous game, developed and published by Hudson, which was released in Japan in 2009. Franchise: Momotarou [...]