## Description With the wave of his magic wand, Ernie the Magician makes a shape float over his head. Another wave, and a second shape appears on a table nearby. The player now decides whether or not the two shapes match. If so, and the player agrees, [...]
## Description _Bagasaurus_ is a game in which children control a dinosaur. The player has to move the Bagasaurus to the correct answer to questions/tasks which are presented at the bottom of the screen. One example is to pick up an animal which has a [...]
The Hunt for Red October ## Description Based on the movie of the same name, the Soviet Union have been building in secret a Typhoon-class submarine with nuclear strike capabilities. This war machine has been named the Red October. While on its trial run, [...]
The Chase on Tom Sawyer’s Island ## Description This Pac-Man inspired maze game is based upon the Tom Sawyer’s Island attraction at Disneyland. Players maneuver Tom Sawyer along the island’s paths in his quest to gather berries. However, [...]
We’re Back! ## Description This version of We’re Back far differs from its Genesis and SNES versions. The player takes control of Rex and must save his three dinosaur friends, Woog, Dweeb and Elsa, from Prof. Screweyes who has imprisoned them [...]
Barbie: Gamer Girl ## Description In _Barbie Game Girl_ , Barbie must gather an outfit in preparation for her date with Ken. She’ll have to jump from platform to platform in a mall, a restaurant and more to get to the end of each level where the [...]
The Second Kids’ World Almanac Adventure ## Description This is an adventure game in a similar vein to Where in the World is Carmen SanDiego, although the questions deal with additional topics besides geography (science, weather, history, etc.). And [...]
The Rescue Rangers having to rescue their partner Monterey Jack, who is caught in a mousetrap in Professor Norton Nimnul's castle. To accomplish this, the chipmunks must infiltrate the mad scientist's abode while avoiding his mechanical guard dogs to [...]