Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo ## Description This licensed platform games sets you as Scrappy Doo, with the aim of trekking through four levels to rescue Scooby and Shaggy. As his name suggests, Scrappy is adept at using his fists to vanquish many of these [...]
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote ## Description The cartoons of Road Runner trying to flee Wile E. Coyote (and inevitably cause him to fall into a trap) are recreated in this action game. You control Road Runner himself in two distinct stages, each of which [...]
Hong Kong Phooey: No.1 Super Guy ## Description Nr. 1 Super Guy is a straightforward platform action game where you play as Hong Kong Phooey himself to help fight crime. In this game Baron Von Bankjob has escaped from jail and it is up to Hong Kong Phooey [...]
Yogi’s Big Clean Up ## Description This licensed game sees Yogi Bear doing something constructive. Across five levels, he must locate or repair eight key items. After clearing Jellystone Park of litter, he must go underwater to fix its water supply. [...]
Cricket Captain ## Description The Refuge Assurance English county cricket championship provides the basis of this managerial recreation of the sport. Options are selected using nested text-based windows. The range of options you have is similar to [...]