## Description _Sagaland_ is the official PC translation of the eponymous board game. It consists of three important parts: the town, the forest and the castle. The town is the starting point for all players and a path (with junctions) leads through the [...]
## Description This limited special edition includes: * Physicus: Save the World with Science! * Solution guide Physikus … und Physik wird zum Abenteuer!: Limitierte Sonderedition
## Description In _Historion_ the player is a time traveller Tom with the mission to save the classical era. To do this, he has to solve history-based puzzles, fight enemies and collect four magic gems. The player collects items and stores them in the [...]
## Description _Der zerstreute Pharao_ is the official PC translation of the eponymous board game. It is played on a 6×8 game board where twelve chips and 47 pyramids are randomly distributed on the board. There are also three piles of cards, where [...]
## Description _Das Original Malefiz-Spiel_ is the official PC version of the board game Malefiz. The rules: Every player (up to four) has five meeples which he has to bring in the goal on top of the board. The design of the board is not linear but with [...]
## Description This anniversary issue contains: * Chemicus II: Die versunkene Stadt * Game solution on the disc Chemicus II: Die versunkene Stadt – Jubiläumsausgabe
## Description _Chemicus II: Die versunkene Stadt_ is a first-person adventure. A famous professor disappears during an accident in a chemistry laboratory. As his assistant it is your job to find him and get to he bottom of this accident. You find a [...]