This is the most recent installment of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ franchise recreated as a fun and easy fighting game with the fighting aspects taken and upgraded from River City Super Sports Challenge ~All Star Special~. River City Melee
Super Pixel Racers is a new top-down racer with punchy 2D pixel graphics, anarchic racing and a thumping 16-bit soundtrack. Thirteen challenging tracks and a range of unpredictable weather conditions put your drifting skills to the test. Meanwhile [...]
BlazBlue Centralfiction Combining 2D fighting game and visual novel, the BlazBlue series has been supported by many fighting game fans. The latest installation, BlazBlue: Centralfiction, serves as the ending to the Azure Saga and reveals the truth that [...]
BlazBlue: Central Fiction is a 2D fighting game developed by Arc System Works. It is the fourth game to the BlazBlue series, and is set after the events of BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma. The game adds Naoto Kurogane and Hibiki Kohaku as playable characters. [...]
This is the most recent installment of the ‘Kunio-Kun’ franchise recreated as a fun and easy fighting game with the fighting aspects taken and upgraded from River City Super Sports Challenge ~All Star Special~.
This is the River City sports challenge! The Rule is simple, be the # 1 in 4 events by all means. That’s it! Hitting and kicking? Of course! Wooden swords dumbbells and even bombs are available to use. The great sports challenge where [...]
Raiden III Digital Edition is a revival of the classic Raiden series of scrolling shooter games. Raiden III Digital Edition is a revival of the classic Raiden series of scrolling shooter games. Earth has been overrun by aliens! Raiden III Digital Edition [...]