Avenger est un jeu d’action/aventure dans lequel vous incarnez un guerrier voulant venger son père et récupérer les parchemins magiques qu’on lui a volés.
Following his naughty exploits in Jack the Nipper, Jack and his family have been deported to Australia. Unhappy with this, Jack has jumped from the plane, using his nappy as a parachute. He finds himself in the middle of the African jungle, surrounded by [...]
MASK is a vertically-viewed 2D game in which the player controls the Thunderhawk vehicle. The premise of the game is that V.E.N.O.M. have propelled Boulder Hill into a time vortex, and the player must rescue the other members of the M.A.S.K. team by [...]
ARCHEULT, el terrorífico y poderoso líder del Firedrake, ha ordenado que te den caza y te sentencien. Tu única posibilidad de supervivencia es escapar del Valle. ¿Posees la valentía y los recursos suficientes para vencer no sólo a tu adversario sino [...]
Originally a generic Rampage clone, Beam Software struck a deal with confectionary giant Leaf UK to incorporate their Chewits mascot known as ‘The Muncher’ into the game. While the mascot’s promotional images and brand name were used, [...]