## Description _C16’s plus4 Classics II_ is a collection of four games that contains the following games: * Monkey Magic * Blagger * Timeslip * Xargon’s Revenge
## Description _C16’s plus4 Classics_ is a collection of four games that contains the following games: * Dork’s Dilemma * Tycoon Tex * Xargon Wars * Petals of Doom
## Description _Bounder and Planet Search_ is a collection of two games that only appeared on compilations for the Commodore 16 and the games were: Bounder: In this top view vertical scrolling platform game, you control a tennis ball that bounces up and [...]
## Description _4 Zzap! Sizzlers_ is a compilation of the following four games: * Drop Zone * Thing on a Spring * Who Dares Wins II * Wizard’s Lair 4 Zzap! Sizzlers
## Description _10 Pack_ is a collection of ten games that contains the following: * H.A.T.E. * Skate Crazy * Dark Fusion * Super Scramble Simulator * Road Runner * Side Arms * Street Fighter * Footballer of the Year * Gary Lineker’s Hot-Shot * [...]
## Description _Project Nova_ is a 1st person shooter where you are the pilot of a space craft and you must explore various sectors to find alien ships and destroy them. Before you play the game you can select which level you want to start on (1-8). You [...]
## Description _Reach for the Sky_ is a shoot ’em up in the vain of Capcom’s arcade classic 1942. You fly over the Pacific Ocean during the WWII and take down waves of enemy planes while avoiding their counter-fire. Weapon upgrades are earned [...]